Middle Peninsula Habitat Restoration Workshop
Virginia Institute of Marine ScienceCBNERR-VA, in conjunction with NOAA's Chesapeake Bay Office and the Roundtable, is hosting a Middle Peninsula Habitat Restoration Workshop on Wednesday, January 31! This knowledge exchange aims to strengthen the network of habitat restoration professionals in the Middle Peninsula of Virginia by sharing case studies and research that closes knowledge gaps, to ensure best practices […]
Submersion Series Session #3
The Submersion Series is a quarterly discussion series hosted by the Water Quality Goal Implementation Team (WQGIT) to convene for exploratory, collaborative conversations on topics that rarely find sufficient time within our typical monthly meeting schedule. These conversations will seek to dive under the surface and challenge us to contribute and exchange ideas as partners […]
Clean Water SRF Training 3: Advocacy Opportunities and Planning
The SRF State Advocates Forum is hosting a three-part series on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The final training in the series will orient participants around actions you can take to ensure that CWSRF funds in your state are flowing towards projects in communities that need support, considerations on how to improve program transparency […]