World Nature Conservation Day BioBlitz in York River State Park

York River State Park

In celebration of World Nature Conservation Day, make your way to York River State Park and explore the park’s different habitats while documenting any living organisms you encounter. A BioBlitz is a citizen-science effort to record as many species as possible using the iNaturalist phone application. You will be equipped with nets, magnifying glasses, and […]

2023 Resilient Virginia Conference

The 2023 Resilient Virginia Conference provides a unique forum to inform, educate, and activate communities across Virginia about the benefits of resiliency planning and the opportunities for economic activity that helps address climate impact while building the local workforce. The conference will be held at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business in Charlottesville […]

Webinar Series: Ask the Alliance- DIY Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are a great way to infiltrate stormwater on your property to help keep your local streams clean! Join the Alliance’s Green Infrastructure Program Director, Jamie Alberti, to learn more about how to install a rain garden on your property. Register Now!