FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break Webinar: Planning for Climate Change Impacts

FEMA Region 3 hosts a webinar series for anyone who wants to reduce risk in their community. These hour-long “Coffee Breaks” are held every other month. They share mitigation best practices and highlight the work happening at the federal, regional, state and community levels to reduce risk in Region 3. Coffee Break webinars are open […]

Center for Watershed Protection Webcast: Behavior Change For Stormwater and Wastewater

Program evaluation techniques help us to identify strategies for moving public behaviors to facilitate better stormwater and wastewater conveyance and treatment. We discuss strategies for community engagement that result in better protection of storm drains; reducing fat, oil, and grease in wastewater infrastructure; and public reporting of infrastructure maintenance needs. Speakers: Jade Radke, Institute for […]

Urban Waters Learning Network Climate Resilience 6-Part Series

The Urban Waters Learning Network hosts monthly webinars highlighting strategies that community-based organizations can use to help their communities anticipate, prepare for, and respond to climate risks. Participants will understand the historical context of climate inequities, focus on how climate change impacts are felt through water, and identify key practices of community-driven climate resilience.  Webinars […]