Webinar Series: Ask the Alliance- Turtles of the Chesapeake Watershed: Strategies for Turtle Conservation
The Chesapeake Bay watershed is full of interesting wildlife. Turtles are some of the oldest wildlife species found in our watershed, and, in many cases, they’re impacted by humans’ effects on the environment. Join the Alliance’s Forests Projects Coordinator, Jim Kauffman, to learn more about the species and ecology of turtles found in the watershed, […]
Coastal Cleanup Day Gloucester Point Beach
Gloucester Clean Community is hosting a beach cleanup in celebration of International Coastal Cleanup Day on September 16th at Gloucester Point Beach. Volunteers should bring their own gloves and Clean Community will provide grabbers, buckets, and bags. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to gather data about what marine debris are collected. Register for this […]
2023 Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit
The 2023 Virginia Citizens for Water Quality Summit will be held September 16th at Randolph Macon College in Ashland, VA. Register to reserve your space by September 8th. https://vcwq.wordpress.com/2023/08/01/vcwq-summit-2023-registration-is-live/