N-EWN Knowledge Series: Tribal Engagement and Engineering with Nature

The Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN) invites you to join their continuing education series about engineering with nature. Continuing Education Credits (1-hr) are available to all attendees who join live. On October 19th, the topic will be "Tribal Engagement and Engineering with Nature." Register here.

Rappahannock River Symposium 2023

The Rappahannock River Roundtable’s third annual Symposium will be held on Wednesday October 25 in Fredericksburg, VA. This is a premier opportunity to showcase new programs, research, conservation projects and programs, funding opportunities, lessons learned, all focused on the Rappahannock River Watershed. Register here.

Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium

The Chesapeake Oyster Alliance invites all oyster practitioners–early career professionals, graduate students, researchers, restoration experts, growers, and watermen–to the third annual Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium. This free, virtual event will be held on October 26th from 10:30am to 4:00pm. Speakers will focus on emerging science and innovative approaches to advance the oyster population of the […]