Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium
The Chesapeake Oyster Alliance invites all oyster practitioners–early career professionals, graduate students, researchers, restoration experts, growers, and watermen–to the third annual Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium. This free, virtual event will be held on October 26th from 10:30am to 4:00pm. Speakers will focus on emerging science and innovative approaches to advance the oyster population of the […]
Catch the King High Tide Mapping
Catch the King is a crowdsourced community science event that invites local volunteers to collect flooding data during the annual ‘king tide’ event–the highest tides of the year. Your data helps local planners, researchers, and floodplain staff implement sea level rise solutions in the right areas. Participate from Friday, October 27th through Sunday, October 29th […]
2023 Chesapeake Watershed Forum
Event: 2023 Chesapeake Watershed Forum The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s 18th Annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum will be held November 3-5 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV. This watershed-wide event brings together restoration and protection practitioners to inspire and empower local action towards clean water. This year’s theme is “Private Investment In […]