Virginia Lakes and Watersheds Association 2024 Conference

Early-bird registration is available until January 16, 2024. Learn more and register at Organized by the Virginia Lakes and Watersheds Association.

Business of Buffers Webinar

This online course, led by Justin Ulanoski, of Native Creations Landscaping, will cover the practical aspects of running a successful riparian buffer contracting operation. Topics will include best practices for managing field work, crew training, tools & equipment, estimating & budgets, and working with nonprofit partners. A guest panel of contractors and nonprofit partners will […]

Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Since 2019, the Alliance has brought communities in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC together by hosting the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in all four states on the same night. This spring, the Film Festival will provide warmth, inspire action, and raise hope during a time of growth and rebirth. Purchase tickets here.