Image Credit: York River State Park

What We Want

The York River and Small Coastal Basin Roundtable envisions a fishable and swimmable York River, Mobjack Bay, and Piankatank River with healthy and resilient habitats and communities across these watersheds, from Piedmont headwaters to the Chesapeake Bay. 

What We Do

Image Credit: Green Fin Studio

In pursuit of this vision, the Roundtable fosters place-based coordination and collaboration to improve the health of our watershed and communities.

Rooted in a regional effort to restore the Chesapeake Bay, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) watershed roundtables represent place-based communities of practice vested in  enhanced water quality.  As one of DEQ’s 12 roundtables, this Roundtable regards clean water as a fundamental condition for quality of life. Through local, participatory processes and actions focused on improved water quality, conservation and restoration, the Roundtable works to elevate and safeguard quality of life within the watershed, recognizing the impact of its actions throughout the Chesapeake Bay and Bay-reliant communities.  

Who's Involved

Image Credit: Sarah Nuss

The Roundtable aims to represent the diversity of interests and people within the York River System. This includes a wide variety of professionals, decision-makers, residents and change agents. Currently, more than 100 members representing upwards of 45 organizations take part in Roundtable activities. If you are interesting in joining the Roundtable and our important work, please reach out


Our 2022- 2025 Strategic Plan, a collaborative planning effort between Roundtable members to set priorities and vision, outlined the following goals for the Roundtable:


To make progress towards the goals of the strategic plan, the Roundtable Executive Board meets regularly throughout the year to provide consistency and continuity to the group. The Executive Board Charter defines the role of board members and outlines terms of board membership.