Agenda below, program here.
9:30 Sign-on, and get ready to restore!
9:40 Welcome
We’ll cover workshop goals and run you through the three-day plan.
10:00 Funding/Financing Restoration
Supporting restoration projects on private and public lands remains a challenging top priority for practitioners. How do we do it? Here’s a look at a timely funding mechanism and an organization that partners to support restoration projects. Q&A with speakers and breakout discussion to follow.
10:55 Siting and Designing for Resilient Restoration
How do we design restoration projects for our ever-changing coast? Where does it make sense to start a project, and what alternative methods are now being used? Q&A with speakers and breakout discussion to follow.
12:00 Close
9:30 Welcome
Overview of what’s happened, and what’s ahead.
9:40 Ice Breaker
Because we love social capitol! Connect with your restoration colleagues.
10:00 Restoration Science
Restoration’s “best available science” is currently focused on the conventional, though there are more holistic approaches to restoration. But what do those look like? How do we incorporate alternative sciences for the most effective results? We’ll first take a look at a tool NOAA developed for shoreline planting – MAPTITE (Marsh Analysis and Planning Tool Incorporating Tides and Elevations). Then, we’ll explore ways conventional tools and approaches like MAPTITE can be augmented by hearing how it’s being done on the Oregon coast. Q&A with speakers and breakout discussion to follow.
10:55 Implementation and Construction: Restoration Projects in the Making
Implementing nature-based solutions is not reliant on natural tools and materials alone. Learn how technology is facilitating opportunities in the construction of nearshore restoration projects. Then, hear how to become a certified restoration practitioner! Q&A with speakers and breakout discussion to follow.
12:00 Close
9:40 Ice Breaker
Because we love social capitol! Connect with your restoration colleagues.
10:00 Monitoring
How well do restoration projects perform? How do you maintain them? We’ll hear about a local framework for monitoring, and a protocol designed in the Mid Atlantic for engaging the community in this necessary part of restoration. Q&A with speakers and breakout discussion to follow.
11:00 Tools to Get you Restoration Ready
Now what? Time to get out there! Hear where you can turn to for locally-relevant and national resources to inform your next steps. Q&A with speakers and breakout discussion to follow.
12:00 Close
Image Credit: Green Fin Studio
© 2024 York River & Small Coastal Basin Roundtable